I am happy to inform you that Google has selected Project Hackystat as a participant in this year's Summer of Code
In brief, this means that students from around the world can apply to work on a Hackystat-related project this summer and Google will pay them US$4500 for their efforts. This is an excellent opportunity and I hope many students will take advantage of it. The timeline is:
* March 31: Student application deadline
* April 14: Accepted student proposals announced
* May 26: Students begin working; Google issues initial payments.
* Aug 18: "Pencils down" date. Projects should be submitted.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you (or students you supervise) would be interested in participating and would like further details. Please also forward this email on to any students you know who might be interested. Note that as long as the student is enrolled in a college or university program as of April 14, 2008, they are eligible to participate.
We have published an "Ideas" page with potential summer projects
However, if you have another interesting idea involving the Hackystat framework, don't hesitate to discuss it with me. We are very open to new ideas.
Cheers, Philip
this is great news! congratulations philip and all hackystat hackers out there. i really can't wait to see how this will all work out. it should be a lot of fun. i'm really looking forward to working with the students. even though i don't hack as much as should be on hackystat i hopefully can help with domain expertise. well, i guess this is a lot of motivation to get back to hacking. but, it is really all about the students. it is an excellent opportunity for students. so all you students out there take this opportunity seriously. do that and we'll have a lot of fun!
i'm ready to help. austen is too.
google's summer of code is making students awesome!
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