Tuesday, April 29, 2008

my public shared items

if you've been reading my blog for a while, you'll know that i really like the idea of sharing information and knowledge with people. here are some past posts about sharing with technology:
  • more people are sharing
  • outward thinking
  • hackystat and my outboard brain
  • i got 2 people to use google reader today
  • re: Encouraging people to contribute knowledge
  • twitter, sharing, hackystat ideas
  • no one is sharing

    (wow that is a lot of things about sharing....) anyway, i wanted to revisit what i wrote in google reader process improvement. i started to adopt my proposal into my google reading process and have actually expanded to areas other than "p-google". here are my complete list of my public shared items:

  • my shared items - this is a generic list of things that i like. posts that make it to here are items that i really like. if you are going to only subscribe to one feed, subscribe to this one. (haha of course that is just my personal opinion, i have heard people say that my shares suck)
  • p-environ - this feed is for environmental things that i come across. these postings aren't necessarily good or bad; its just that they are somewhat interesting and have to do with the environment. i started this feed to discuss things with my cousin dana.
  • p-google - this feed is for google stuff. duh.. i set this feed up because i noticed that i like a lot of things from google and that people that read my shared stuff might not care a lot about google stuff. i like google stuff, so i wanted a place to put it; then figured why not make it public.
  • p-robotics - this feed is for robotics stuff. robotics is coming on strong these days. its a buzz word these days. anything with robotics gets some attention, especially in hawaii. anyway, i set up this blog for my friend tom (oleg the intern), to help feed him information that might be helpful to him as he figures out what interests him. i also am sending to this feed to lynn, maybe it might be useful for her.
  • my shared stuff - this feed comes from google's share stuff mechanism. it is basically a collection of the "loose pages", postings that i read outside of google reader, that i like.

    anyway, those public shares are the articles, blogs, and web sites that i like. for some reason i like to try to stay on top of this reading and sharing thing. i guess it is addicting and becomes like a habit.
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